Sunday, December 19, 2010

Tom's Field ramblings

I have been searching high and low for the leaflet I made about Nissen huts, cannot find it anywhere either on real paper or digitally so am going to have to start the history of our Walker's Barn at Tom's Field all over again, that is not too much of a problem so shall make a start soon. Meanwhile here is a link to an interesting site about Nissen huts.
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Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Coming Event 2011

One of our customers is to undertake a 4000 mile cycle ride around the coast next year for Sutrans and Mind. We wish him all the best and will keep up to date with his progress through a link to his blog.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Frost in Purbeck

What an amazing scene today that I saw when walking to The Artist and Stallholders event in Worth Matravers Village Hall. There was such a thick hoary frost that coated every leaf and blade of grass and was stunningly beautiful even though bitterly cold.
There were a fair number of visitors come in for a coffee and hot mince pie.

The re-decoration of the Walker's Barn is going well at Tom's Field and should be finished soon. We don't have this open over Christmas or the New Year so it is a good time to get the work done.

Will write something about the history of the Walker's Barn and Nissen Huts .It was from the dilapadated Nissen Hut, that has been on the site since the year dot, that the Walker's Barn grew.

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Sunday, December 5, 2010

Snow hits Tom's Field

Along with the rest of the country snow came to Tom's Field and Swanage last week. This is a rare event in this sheltered part of the world.It was thick, meringue soft and inviting. We were at the campsite as the Walker's Barn is being decorated and we also had to check for any frozen pipes even though in fact everything is drained down. So here are some pictures taken on the way to Worth Matravers for the setting up of the Purbeck Atists and Stallholders Christmas event and on the campsite where it was fascinating to look at all the tracks that had been made by various animals and birds.

Tuesday, November 30, 2010


This last week has seen two nice events. The annual Christmas Bazaar was held in Langton Matravers, just up the road from Tom's Field, at the village hall. This is always a delightful event with many interesting items on sale. Particularly the reindeer which are always popular simply constructed from local wood with no glue or nails.
We also visited the new shop that daughter, Judy, has opened with her husband Ian. This is in Clifton Arcade, Clifton and is called Couch selling bespoke 'couches' designed by Ian. In fact they too are endeavouring to fill the shop with British made items.
I seem to have lost my picture of the reindeer, will include it when it is found

Winter work progresses at Tom's Field, the Walker's Barn is to be redecorated, we are also looking to construct a toilet/shower room to go with the Stone Room. That will be a great facility.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Tom's Field Terrace Tree

The high winds on Sunday night blew down the lovely old tree that gave the shop terrace shade. This tree had been there as long as we can remember and had rich red blossom in May, in fact I can remember arguing with Tom one winter about the colour of the blossom as I had remembered it as white.
He put me right in no uncertain way clearly regarding me as a foolish incomer with no idea about the countryside. I think he would have been sad too and would, no doubt, have had a good story to tell about it.

Monday, November 1, 2010

Goodbye to Colin

Last night we had a farewell meal with Colin We looked back at all the changes in 17 years.
Colin arrived in 1994 , during that time there have been many happenings including both the driest and wettest summers on record,the rebuilding of the Nissen Hut, the reconstruction of The Stone Room. The movement toward a greener and more environmentally friendly world which we tried to reflect in the approach at Tom's Field.
Colin remained a constant during many changes, staff who have come and gone. Good times and not so good.
We wish him very well. He tells us he may take up bowls again and enjoying his own garden in his own home town.

Sunday, October 31, 2010

End of the Season

So we have reached the end of 2010 season, there were a few intrepid campers right to the very end. Yesterday there was a beautiful and perfect rainbow almost, it felt, encircling the campsite.
After the rain it proved warm and very sunny.
Now begins the work of draining down, shutting off, taking stock in every sense before the winter work begins.
Colin , who has been with us for 17 years is finally retiring. We will miss him a lot and we are sure lots of campers will also miss him. In fact if anyone reads this that has known Colin over the years please send an email to and we will pass messages on to him.
Here is a picture of the rainbow in the field close to where Colin had his caravan.

Monday, October 25, 2010

Purbeck Marble

We visited Salisbury Cathedral, a beautiful place and it was good to be reminded of the places where Purbeck marble was used in abundance. The guide told us it came from Worth Matravers but it could just as well be Acton. Whatever it makes the picture whole thinking even about the 3 quarry heads that are on Tom's Field, not used or visible of course but a reminder of the great quarrying past and present, see the picture on the Flikr photostream

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Almost October

I am quite shocked that it is over a month since I last wrote anything for this blog and that it is nearly October.

Today is grey, damp and dreary, such a change from last week when it was perfect. However there are still a few people about, even as I tap away the shop has several browsers.

Last week I went for a walk from the site, in the glorious sunshine, up Tom's Field road along the main road and then across the fields with Acton behind me. It is quite surprising how Tom's Field Campsite nestles in a fold of the landscape and simply is not visible from many directions.

Here is a picture I took on my walk, it was a busy Saturday and nearly full but you are hard pressed to see any tents. See where telegraph pole is 3/4 distance? that is Tom's Field!!

I was reminded how special the setting for this campsite is. It was the amazing setting that brought us to camp at Tom's Field so many years ago.

I have added a book list in the side bar, at least I hope it works out a book list. The Remarkable Creatures by Tracey Chevalier is fascinating it is a fictional account of the life of Mary Anning the famous fossil collector who lived in Lyme Regis.

Have also thought that people might be interseted in my book, well booklet, about Tom's Field Campsite and Tom himself. If anyone would like a copy let me know by email to

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Insects and Allotments

A gathering of a multitude of flying insects including wasps, bees, hover flies and others I don't know was causing consternation as people thought it was actually a wasp nest, in fact it looked like that until we peered closely. Fortunately an we were lucky enough to get the advice of a friendly entymologist who lives nearby. He told us the insects were all feeding off the sugary excretia of aphids that had been attracted to the willow tree. So we set about spraying with slightly soapy water to disperse the insects safely.
John and Bobby performed a little ceremony to put up the plaque that Bob has carved with the name 'Tom's Field' This was a lovely summers morning.
We went to The Langton Matravers Allotment Association open day on Sunday. Sunshine, bunting tea and cakes in a beautiful setting, rows and rows of beans, cabbages, chard and so on and so on.

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Red Arrows

The Red Arrows came to Swanage today to mark the end of carnival week, a fine day but blustery but they put on a fine display. We walked up to Ballard Down and had the planes zooming in from behind us.

Thursday, August 5, 2010


The carnival procession was excellent and the weather fine and sunny, this took place on Sunday the celebrations having started on Saturday night with fireworks. The big event will be The Red Arrows on Saturday 7th night.

Don't forget, if you come camping , to keep your food in a sturdy container and off the ground as the badgers have been known to rob tasty finds from your tent!

People have been using the herbs on the terrace, these are flourishing more this year although hasn't reached my rather over optimistic description of herb garden that I gave it a couple of years ago!

A reminder, there are some excellent workshops at Burngate Stone Centre just up the road from us.

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Camping hits the press

This weekend the Saturday Telegraph did an article on camping and featured Tom's Field!
So here is a link to some great pictures of people enjoying 'the simple pleasures' of camping at Tom's. I do like the iconic picture of the tree on the plateau, loved by many is this particular spot on the site.
Here, too, is a link to a description of the area that appeared in The Observer in 2007. I think it captures the magic of Purbeck.

Also a picture I took this week on the terrace where the herbs are flourishing! The old may tree has died so it is decorated with some solar lanterns and bunting. A great area to sit and enjoy a coffee from the new, and very whizzy, coffee machine.

Next week is carnival week in Swanage, this promises to be even more extra special this year.

Monday, July 19, 2010

Hotting up

Today was so hot, Purbeck to be seen at it's most glorious. I spent the morning on duty at the Purbeck Artist and Stallholders event in Worth Matravers. This will now run each day in the village hall which has been wonderfully decorated with bright pink bunting so not easy to miss!
The ducks were happy in the sparkling water.

As for the campsite we would put out a plea to people to try to come with one vehicle only to prevent it becoming more like a car park. Keep it simple!

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Mid summer plus plus

It has been beautifully hot and therefore pretty busy on the site. Jerry Burden and his building team have been busily installing solar panels, This is a progression from the homemade system of hose pipes on the Nissen Hut roof.

The Artist and Stall Holders Event starts next Saturday at the village hall in Worth Matravers, this runs daily for 5 weeks and is an excellent place to stop by at for a coffee , tea or ice cream before or after a walk.

We look forward to all our summer visitors arriving in a couple of weeks and fingers crossed for good weather.

I have been fighting an infestation of blackfly on my runner beans by blasting them with a hose of water or soapy water not that they take much notice.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Catching up

Purbeck Art Week[s] is over, It is quite a long haul needing us to be sitting in on the exhibition for three weekends and two weeks, but we met a great many people and enjoyed it, thank you to all who came to see us, it started very drearily and damp. I visited some studios with a friend early on in Worth Matravers and this is how it looked!

The bluetit family have flown the nest. There were at least 6 and we all had some excellent views of them in the nest before they left and the staff switched the t.v. on to the football to some mixed reactions!!

The site is looking lovely and summery at present , the wild life patch is recovering from being nibbled by rabbits until we covered the poor plants with some netting for the time being

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Spring Watch at Tom's Field!

Well the eggs have hatched and we can see, albeit rather hazily as often a twig covers the camera lens, the parent birds feeding tiny ,gaping mouths all quite thrilling!
No picture as impossible to capture this.

All is ready for Purbeck Art Weeks. Today Sue, Ali and I put the work up in the activity room and we look forward to opening on Saturday.

Sunday, May 9, 2010

How time flies

Well into May. It has been an extremely busy time one way and another. On the site things are looking good, the blackthorn is in bloom at last and it seems the bird has laid eggs in the camera box!

Last week Colin and I planted lots of wild flower plug plants in the Hike Field, we gave up on the seed as nothing germinated. I think it was a mixture of the unusual cold and the dry clay soil that we had to do better preparation on. Hopefully we will succeed with these plants.

Friday, April 23, 2010

Late April

It has been a glorious time at the site, the weather is stunning although sometimes with chilly evenings.
The blossom on the blackthorn is now starting to bloom but so much later than usual.
Many baby rabbits hopping happily about[ the stoat has not been around yet!] The Live Bird Watch in the shop has been somewhat blurred as the bird has placed a large leafy thing over the camera eye!!
I am getting prepared for Purbeck Art Week, this stats at the end of May for 2 weeks. It is part of Dorset Art Weeks which is a great opportunity to see many artists in their working spaces and galleries throughout the county.

Saturday, April 10, 2010


Easter was awful, at least Good Friday through to Saturday, since then everything has brightened and blossomed.
We did a duty at the Burngate Stone Centre stone carving and craft fair and it was well attended, quite a number of people were interested in signing up for classes.
There is a bluetit building a nest in the box with camera, it has been fascinating to watch this on the screen in the shop albeit in black and white and a bit hazey.
That together with my first afternoon with bees, learning at East Dorst Beekeepers apiary, has made for an interesting week.
The site has dried out well and many people have enjoyed near perfect weather over the last few days.

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Happy Easter

Extraordinarily the sun was shining most of today and although very cold was glorious.
The picture, I couold not resist, is of the daffs fully opened and in wonderful yellow bloom.
A few twigs have appeared in the nest camera box and a bird was seen inspecting!
The screen is installed in the shop to watch progress.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Approaching Easter

The weather has ben mixed with some really lovely days and latterly some relentless rain. However the daffodils here are now fully out, the picture was taken last week, this week it was too WET to get the camera out!
Easter at the end of next week. People ask us if we book then but it is all on a first come basis at this time of the year.
By the way here is a link to The first Purbeck Walking Festival , should be good.

Saturday, March 13, 2010

The Season Begins

We opened yesterday, Friday 12th March.
I t was a fairly good day dry and ALMOST warm! Spent the day setting out the shop and finding out all the things that didn't work, inevitable ater being shut for 4 months and more. As everything has to be drained down and emptied out in case of freezing and other there are always some taps that leak or similar. It was looking pretty good and we had our first visitors arriving by 10.00a.m.
Pictured here the first tent and the first motorvan of 2010.

Friday, March 5, 2010


Today has been glorious, one week before we open. Fingers crossed that it will be as good!
The primroses were a delight to discover.
So now, before next Friday, there is a great deal to do , fences to put up again as they have to be taken down in October to save them from winter gales, notices to go up , the water has to be turned on , the tanks filled and the shop stocked.

Monday, February 22, 2010

Last week of Feb.

Today, a miserable, wet, grey and dreary one was conspicuous mostly by the arrival of Jason from Wildlife Windows to put up a bird nest with camera installed. The idea being that we will have in the shop a TV monitor to view nesting birds. This will be quite fun, if any birds decide to take up residence.
The site does NOT look at its best at present and only three weeks until we open. The sheep have gone and so have the workmen, but there is a great deal of tidying up before we welcome the first visitors.
Burngate Stone Centre is to have an Easter craft fair so watch this space for info about that

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Signs of spring

There are all sorts of promising signs of spring around ,there are a few primroses in the little wooded area on the site and the daffodils are pushing up near the gate.
I went on a printmaking course at the Burngate Stone Centre on Friday, it was bitterly cold to start with but became quite cosy through the day. Very interesting. It is a long while since I have done any printmaking so it was refreshing.
Meant to take my camera but forgot so will put a different picture here for now!

Sunday, January 31, 2010

Winter Walks

Last week I walked into Swanage and it was bitterly cold, hardly anyone about and grey and dreary except for a sudden flash of sunlight on the sea.
Yesterday, though, it was gloriously sunny but still extremely cold, many more enjoying the beach and it was a lovely walk.
Visited the sheep on the field, they seem to be contented even though surrounded sometimes by the workmen doing various maintenance and restoring jobs.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Misty Morning

Snow and ice gone, what there was of it although I hear it has been snowing elsewhere than our protected little micro climate.
Went out to take some pictures this morning in drizzle and bleak mists that swathed all the countryside in a mysterious light.

Work progresses on the campsite and the sheep are happily munching.

Going tonight to the Friends of Burngate Stone Carving Centre meeting.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Cold Depths of Swanage

It is bitterly cold but we have escaped any real snow just getting a couple of centimetres. Even that has gone now and the ice has is no more.
John and I watched with fascination a Snipe as it foraged for insects just outside our house.

Work has started at the campsite on modernisation of the ladies toilet cubicles, I feel for Jerry and his troupe as it is so cold there.

Here is a picture of Corfe Castle taken from the window of the Santa Special that we took the Grandchildren on before Christmas

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Happy New Year

A New Year and a new blog
2010 and the sheep have once again arrived. There are very few but they will help to cut the grass before we re-open in March. It has been very wet before Christmas and is now bitterly cold but bright and beautiful.