Saturday, February 26, 2011


It is, amazingly, only two weeks before we open. It has been warm and spring like for the last couple of days and the daffodils are out at Tom's Field. The winter work is well on and all is looking good albeit a little muddy in some places, that won't last as we are so lucky in the land draining off quickly.
We went to Burngate Stone Centre for a Have- A- Go session. Tremendous fun, we were taught the basics of stonecarving and everyone made a piece to take home. .
Stone is a feature at the moment as we are having some walls renewed soon. The campsite is surrounded by quite ancient dry stone walling, a lovely  aspect and home to quite a few little creatures and some nesting birds.

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Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Sheep on the Field

The sheep arrived a couple of weeks ago, they will give the first cut of the season. It helps the grass and helps the sheep.
Tom's Field does not look very pretty just now as there is a great deal of work going on. The intention is to make a toilet and shower room that can be used for the Stone Room customers. In order for that to happen the builders had to make way for the waste pipes through very dense rock. We remembered Tom telling us years ago that you could never get through this Blue Rag stone which is very dense. It was indeed extremely difficult .
 Now trenches are being dug with a view to laying cables for more electric hook ups in the Family Field.
The first bee hive is on it's way. We will be keeping the bees at home and not on the site and we are looking forward to the first residents in the spring.