I am quite shocked that it is over a month since I last wrote anything for this blog and that it is nearly October.
Today is grey, damp and dreary, such a change from last week when it was perfect. However there are still a few people about, even as I tap away the shop has several browsers.

Last week I went for a walk from the site, in the glorious sunshine, up Tom's Field road along the main road and then across the fields with Acton behind me. It is quite surprising how Tom's Field Campsite nestles in a fold of the landscape and simply is not visible from many directions.
Here is a picture I took on my walk, it was a busy Saturday and nearly full but you are hard pressed to see any tents. See where telegraph pole is 3/4 distance? that is Tom's Field!!
I was reminded how special the setting for this campsite is. It was the amazing setting that brought us to camp at Tom's Field so many years ago.
I was reminded how special the setting for this campsite is. It was the amazing setting that brought us to camp at Tom's Field so many years ago.
I have added a book list in the side bar, at least I hope it works out a book list. The Remarkable Creatures by Tracey Chevalier is fascinating it is a fictional account of the life of Mary Anning the famous fossil collector who lived in Lyme Regis.
Have also thought that people might be interseted in my book, well booklet, about Tom's Field Campsite and Tom himself. If anyone would like a copy let me know by email to tomsfield@hotmail.com