A gathering of a multitude of flying insects including wasps, bees, hover flies and others I don't know was causing consternation as people thought it was actually a wasp nest, in fact it looked like that until we peered closely. Fortunately an we were lucky enough to get the advice of a friendly entymologist who lives nearby. He told us the insects were all feeding off the sugary excretia of aphids that had been attracted to the willow tree. So we set about spraying with slightly soapy wat

John and Bobby performed a little ceremony to put up the plaque that Bob has carved with the name 'Tom's Field' This was a lovely summers morning.
We went to The Langton Matravers Allotment Association open day on Sunday. Sunshine, bunting tea and cakes in a beautiful setting, rows and rows of beans, cabbages, chard and so on and so on.
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