Saturday, May 21, 2011

Great Crested Newt arrived!

This week,on a lovely sunny day, the new sculpture arrived at Tom's Field Campsite. We are delighted with it. The piece has real character and lends itself to being touched . The stone is Purbeck Thornback and has some polished parts and some interesting textures.

Why a Great Crested Newt? About a year ago we had a species survey done by Dorset Wildlife and we were told that there could be Great Crested Newts on the site as the Purbecks are well known as one of the more southern areas where the newts live. Although there is not a pool of water on the site there is a dewpond near Priestway just above the site.

Midge Bullock, who made the piece, is a tutor at The Burngate Stone Carving Centre which is just up the road from Tom's Field and is a fascinating place to visit.

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